Teresa – 2016 Senior {Sumner Senior Photographer, Bonney Lake Senior Photographer}

Teresa is one of my senior reps and is an absolute joy to work with!  She is a Bothell High School 2016 senior but attends community college for the Running Start program.  Teresa is a very busy senior between her job at a floral shop and school.  She also enjoys doing hair and makeup and loves spending time with family and friends.  I can’t say enough how much I enjoyed my time with Teresa, she rocked her session and made me laugh the whole time with her great sense of humor!  She’s definitely one of those bright friendly people that when you meet, you feel like you already know them!  She is a beautiful, smart and very hard working motivated senior!  I so enjoyed getting to know her and wish her the best of luck in whatever she decides to do!

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A Forrest and Beach Family Session {Bonney Lake Family Photographer, Lake Tapps Family Photographer}